TNTatlas puts you into the publishing and distribution business. It is a freeware geospatial viewing application.
Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:
Software solution that makes it possible for anyone to load. Screenshot of TNTatlas - 1812px · 1387pxUseful tool for managing hierarchical atlases. Screenshot of TNTatlas - 1812px · 1387pxMeasure, sketch and annotate regions of maps. Screenshot of TNTatlas - 1812px · 1387pxView and analyze geospatial data. Screenshot of TNTatlas - 1812px · 1387pxGeodata viewer that lets you publish and distribute maps and geospatial data. Screenshot of TNTatlas - 1812px · 1387pxTNTatlas: User interface. Screenshot of TNTatlas - 1812px · 1387px